44th International Conference on Organizational Science Development


The society we live in today is in a period of great change in many areas of our lives. Although our pace may sometimes stop, the forces of the environment do not. The pace of change often no longer surprises us. But the pillars on which we stand, the achievements of human society, are something we can rightly be proud of. Artificial intelligence is one of the forces that has recently entered our daily lives in many places. Where are the opportunities, where are the threats, where is human intelligence still an important step ahead of AI?

The term organization can be defined from a number of different points of view. It can be used in a variety of connotations. Each and every one of us can come up with our own interpretation of the term. Every single step that we take is connected to a wide range of organizations.

If we ask ourselves why our world seems to revolve around organizations, it is not hard to answer. We spend much of our time in different organizations, so understanding how they work is crucial. In this context, the quest to understand the organization is set with the aim of contributing to the further development of both organizations and society at large by understanding organizational science and the laws that govern it.

The 44th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Organizational Science will focus on the development of a deeper knowledge of organizational science, with an emphasis on today’s challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, it is people who have woven the knowledge of organizations and who will continue to enrich it in the future. On the other, we need to consider the situational factors and wider environment that are essential to understanding organizations.

Technology is our companion. In our efforts to understand and learn about organizations, we need to keep in mind that digital change is something that affects all elements of organizations, including people. At the same time, it is still the social dimension of organizations that is essential to the existence of modern society and organizations. Hand in hand, by adhering to the principles that still hold organizations in the grip of the human hand and ensure an appropriate relationship between our organizational life and our life for ourselves. Digital change must not allow us to overlook people. But we must allow digital change to help us and to facilitate the many contexts of our lives in organizations.

Let this year’s title, “Human Being, AI and the Organization”, be an opportunity for all of us to learn about this through your contributions. For the stronger our contributions are, the stronger our thinking will be and the stronger our orientation will be towards development. Within the development of organizational science, it is important and necessary to co-create content that leads to our common and even better future. The social dimensions of the digital should be the starting point for your views, for your scientific and professional debates. What are the opportunities and what are the challenges of artificial intelligence for the development of organizations and the progress of society? 

We invite you to join us with your contribution to the 44th International Scientific Conference 2025.

Full Prof. Polona Šprajc, Ph.D
Conference Chair

Important Dates

  • 6th December 2024 13th December 2024 - Paper abstract submission deadline (extended)
  • 18th December 2024 - Paper abstract acceptance notice
  • 23rd January 2025 30th January 2025 - Full paper submission deadline (extended)
  • 10th February 2025 - Notification of paper acceptance
  • 20th February 2025 - Final paper submission
  • 5th March 2025 - Earlybird registration deadline
  • 19th - 21st March 2025 - 44th International Conference on Organizational Science Development